Hello, my courageous friends! 🌟

Embarking on a new journey—whether it’s launching a website like me, starting college, entering the workforce, moving to a new city, starting a family, building a business, switching jobs, or even careers—is a rollercoaster. It’s thrilling, but let’s be honest, it can also be downright scary. That fear of failure? The self-doubt? Oh, they are real, and we all grapple with them, no matter what stage of life we’re in. So, I’ve been doing some soul-searching, perusing self-help books, listening to podcasts, and doing some late-night Googling to figure out how to navigate these fears, embrace uncertainty, and come out stronger on the other side.  So, let’s dive in!

Reframe Failure as a Learning Experience

As M. Barrie wisely points out, “We are all failures–at least the best of us are.” How refreshing is that perspective? We often view failure as this giant, scary monster out to get us. But what if we reframed it as a teacher instead, ready to school us in life’s most important lessons? Every stumble or so-called ‘failure’ is actually a treasure trove of wisdom, guiding us toward our next big thing.  So, next time you find yourself tripping up, instead of letting it paralyze you, pause and ask, ‘What can I learn from this?’ Don’t spiral into self-doubt or let fear anchor you in place. We can’t let failure or the fear of it keep us from taking that next step. Remember that everything we do will not be the best thing we’ve ever done, and that is OK! The key is not to measure yourself against others or dwell on past mistakes. Our setbacks aren’t step-backs; they’re setups for our next success. So, let’s brush ourselves off and move on. We can let failure be our teacher and grow from each experience.

Baby Steps Lead to Giant Leaps

Diving headfirst into a new venture can feel like a tidal wave. But as Martin Luther King Jr. so aptly put it, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” This sentiment is a game-changer when you’re staring down big goals and all the “why nots” start creeping in. By breaking big goals into smaller, more digestible tasks, you set yourself up for a series of mini-victories. Whether it’s creating that first webpage or securing your first client, each small win boosts your confidence and makes the larger goal feel within reach. These incremental gains are more than just stepping stones; they’re valuable learning experiences that equip us for the bigger challenges that lie ahead. So, we can’t sell short the power of starting small; every victory is a victory, no matter how big.

Be Vulnerable

Being vulnerable is no walk in the park, but what I am starting to learn on this journey is that holding back your vulnerabilities only amplifies their weight. So, the magic happens when you open up. You can’t create something new without risking failure- which is one of the most vulnerable acts of all. Whether you’re sharing your innermost thoughts with a trusted friend or scribbling them in a journal, giving voice to your vulnerabilities can transform them from looming fears into manageable challenges. I can’t lie; I find this emotional openness super challenging. Just saying the word “vulnerability” feels like I walked into a room full of people completely naked! But here’s the nugget I’m learning to hold onto: Vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a badge of courage. As BrenĂŠ Brown puts it, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.” So, being vulnerable isn’t about being frail; it’s about being human and relatable. It creates connections and builds bridges. And just like reframing fear, embracing vulnerability is another form of triumph, another way we grow stronger to face new opportunities.

The Power of Visualization

Hey, we’re all busy, but how about we make a pact to really stop for a few minutes each day? Just pause and check in with ourselves. As Oprah Winfrey once said, “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” So, let’s take those few minutes to visualize where we want to be and what goals we’re aiming for. Picture it so clearly that it feels within reach. And don’t just stop at imagining it—let’s equip ourselves with the tools to make it happen. Try daily affirmations that pump you up or a vision board that serves as a daily visual nudge. These aren’t just feel-good exercises; they’re catalysts that can help turn dreams into reality or at the very least get you through a hard day!  These daily exercises lead to a change in mindset and are one of the most valuable tools in your toolbox for embracing uncertainty, facing your fears, and stepping outside your comfort zone. Your mind is such a powerful tool, and when you reset those synapses to positive instead of negative, your whole outlook on life can change. And then, guess what, your life can change.

Embrace Fear as a Companion

Okay, real talk: Fear is something we all deal with; it’s part of being human. As Nelson Mandela said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” What if instead of trying to ditch fear, we invite fear along for the ride? Fear is like that friend who’s always tagging along, nudging us to step up our game. If we befriend that fear, it can actually serve as our compass, guiding us toward what really matters. We can use that fear and channel it into action. Start small—maybe write your first post or make that first client appointment. Each step you take diminishes that fear a bit more and brings you closer to your dream. Whether it’s the fear of making new friends at college, the fear of stepping into a new role at work, or even the fear of opening up in a relationship—these are all common fears that many of us can relate to. I get it; these fears can feel paralyzing. But what if we looked at them differently? The key is to not let fear paralyze you but to let it propel you. Use it as a motivator to prepare, to do your research, or to seek advice from those who’ve been there. It’s about taking that fear and turning it into a form of energy that drives you. So, instead of trying to kick fear to the curb, let’s embrace it, learn from it, and let it guide us to some pretty amazing places. I mean, if we’re not a little scared, are we even pushing ourselves?

Practice Resilience

Life is full of ups and downs, and trust me, I’m navigating them right alongside you. My husband has a go-to quote for our kids that’s really stuck with me: ‘Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it,’ by Charles R. Swindoll. This quote is like a resilience mantra, reminding us that our reactions, more than our circumstances, shape our journey. It’s empowering to realize that while we can’t control every situation, our resilience in responding can make all the difference. But let’s be real, sometimes my resilience doesn’t even want to get out of bed in the morning! But those are the moments that test us and give us a chance to flex that resilience muscle. It’s not just about dodging life’s curveballs; it’s about learning how to catch them and throw them back. Each challenge we face, no matter how big, and overcome, adds a meaningful chapter to our life stories.

Courage Over Comfort

You know that cozy, warm blanket of comfort? It’s time to toss it aside. Courage is not about being fearless; it’s about being scared and doing it anyway. When you choose courage over comfort, you consciously decide to grow. It’s about taking that first step even when your legs feel like jelly. Trust me, I’ve been there—debating whether to hit the ‘Publish’ button on my first blog post, wondering if anyone would even read it. But you know what? I did it. And guess what? People not only read it, but they connected with it. So, take that step, hit that button, and make that call. Your future self will thank you for it.

We’re All in This Together

So, whether you’re my daughter stepping onto a college campus for the first time, my sister flipping that pizza dough into an empire, or my best friend taking a leap of faith into a new career, know this: We all have fears, but we also have incredible courage within us. As Einstein once said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” So, let’s do this. Let’s embrace uncertainty, befriend our fears, step outside our comfort zones, put ourselves out in the world, and find out what we’ve got!

Sending you all the courage and positive vibes as you embrace your uncertainty. 💖

Share your thoughts and experiences below!! We love to hear from you!

Recommended Reading to Dive Deeper Into Embracing Uncertainty:

Do It Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Adversity, and Create a Life You Love by Ruth Soukup

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by BrenÊ Brown

The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage by Mel Robbins

Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway: Dynamic Techniques for Turning Fear, Indecision, and Anger into Power, Action, and Love by Susan Jeffers

Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho 

Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness by Steve Magness

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron


Check out The Joy of “Doing Nothing:” Embracing Stillness!