Hello friends! As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m reminded of its unique place among the holidays. It’s a day that strips away most of the commercial fanfare associated with other holidays. Instead, it focuses on the joy of food (of course), togetherness, gratitude, and reflection.

The Real Deal About Thanksgiving Prep

But let’s be real—it still involves its fair share of effort, especially for us hosts. There’s the bustling kitchen, the carefully set table, and the full court push to weave that spell of holiday magic. While it may not demand the preparations of some other holidays, Thanksgiving requires a different kind of dedication: creating a warm, welcoming space where memories are made and cherished.

Embracing the Chaos and Calm of the Holidays

As the architects of these magical moments, we dive head first in lists and preparations, sometimes so much so that we lose sight of the memories we’re trying to create. This year, I’ve promised myself to step back and try to savor these moments a bit more. Because when it comes down to it, what sticks with us are those real, unscripted moments: the bursts of laughter cutting through the kitchen chaos, the spontaneous hug in the midst of cooking, and the genuine reactions from our kids – whether it’s an eye roll or a smile or a “yum,” it’s all part of the beautiful chaos.

These are the moments that linger in our hearts, far more vivid and cherished than any perfectly set table or gourmet menu.

Life’s Precious ‘Lasts’: A Thanksgiving Reflection

This Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday for me—it’s a reminder of life’s precious “lasts.” As I watch my children grow up and embark on their own journeys with each passing year, I’m reminded of all those milestones that have quietly slipped by. The last time they needed to be held, the last time they fell asleep cuddled up in our bed, the last time they needed a ride, the last night they spent as a full-time occupant in their childhood room, the last family dinner before their worlds grew bigger than our dinner table.

New Beginnings in Thanksgiving’s Familiarity

But here’s the thing about ‘lasts’ or endings with our kids– each one also marks the beginning of something new. A fresh chapter in their lives and ours. When will be the last Thanksgiving they spend in our family home before it becomes a visit rather than a return? When will they bring someone special, expanding our circle and changing our dynamics? And when will be the last Thanksgiving that feels more like the old days, before new traditions take hold and reshape our celebration? These moments, while bittersweet, are also filled with the promise of new beginnings and adventures. Life just keeps rolling on. It’s a constant reminder of how we’re all moving through this journey, one Thanksgiving at a time.

This year, our Thanksgiving is taking a turn that’s both exciting and a bit unfamiliar. For the first time ever, we’re packing our bags and heading to Florida to be with my mother-in-law. She’s rented a place there for the month, and it’s a whole new adventure for us. It’s the first Thanksgiving away from my own family, a change that’s bittersweet, but also filled with the promise of new memories and experiences.

These kinds of shifts – a new location, a different way of celebrating – they remind us how traditions evolve. It’s about being together, no matter where we are. This Thanksgiving, while we’re embracing the sun and the sea instead of our usual setting, it’s a reminder that ‘home’ isn’t just a place, it’s the people we love. And that’s something to be truly thankful for.

Honoring Absent Loved Ones This Season

And while we’re at it, it’s impossible not to think about our grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles. They’ve been the anchors of so many of these Thanksgiving gatherings, and their presence, or absence, really hits home.

In the spirit of remembering, my father-in-law comes to mind a lot around this time. This will be our second Thanksgiving without him, and the gap he’s left is more than just physical. He was the master of ceremonies at our Thanksgiving feasts, always in his apron, serving his famous bloody mary’s, checking off his handwritten menu to make sure nothing got missed. How he managed to get every dish out and hot at just the right time, I’ll never know. His absence isn’t just missed; it’s felt in every part of our celebration. And just last week, a childhood friend of mine faced a sudden loss; her mom passed away. This Thanksgiving, I know it’ll be particularly tough for her and her family, facing the holiday for the first time without her mom.

These empty chairs at our tables… they’re more than just empty spaces. They shout out how fleeting time is. They make you really see – I mean truly see – the value of the crazy, loud get-togethers we have. And those quiet, sometimes stressful, but precious moments we sometimes take for granted during past Thanksgivings.

Finding Joy in the Here and Now

But here’s the beauty in all this—the power of now, the grace in embracing these ‘lasts’ as they unfold. It’s a chance to live more fully in each moment, hold our loved ones a little tighter, and listen a little closer to their thoughts and stories. Because the truth is, we never know what changes a year might bring, what “lasts” this season might hold.

So this Thanksgiving, as we gather around our tables, let’s be thankful for this moment – however fleeting. Let’s be present, not just as the orchestrators but as full-on participants. Let’s cherish the laughter, the conversations, the shared glances that speak volumes, and the quiet understanding that this time, right now, is a gift we give to ourselves and to each other.

A Thanksgiving to Reflect and Remember

So here we are, at another Thanksgiving. A time that always seems to bring a mix of nostalgia, laughter, and a little bit of kitchen chaos. It’s a day that reminds us just how fast the clock ticks, how kids grow up, and how the table settings change year after year.

But most importantly, it’s a reminder to cherish what we have right here, right now. To look across the table at our loved ones and really see them. To remember that while some things change, the heart of Thanksgiving remains the same – it’s about love, it’s about gratitude, and it’s about being together, whether in body or in spirit.

So, to all of you – my friends, my fellow parents, my companions on this wild ride of life – I’m sending you a hug and a wish. May your Thanksgiving be a day of full hearts, full plates, and a full understanding of just how beautiful this life can be, even amidst its constant changes.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Let’s make it one for the books. 🍂 🍽️ ❤️

P.S. I’d love to hear from you. What are your Thanksgiving ‘lasts’ and ‘firsts’? How are you finding joy in the here and now? Share in the comments below. Let’s make this Thanksgiving not just about the food and the festivities, but about connecting, sharing our stories, and finding community in our collective experiences.